Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Style Practice

JakScoot © Stefani "Jak" M.

JakScoot © Stefani "Jak" M.

just practicing the style i used for the "Jak Scout ID" cuz i like how it turn'd out & i want to use it some more later in life c:

Jak Scout dA ID

Jak Scout © Stefani "Jak" M.

Cuz yeah idk i was bord & KK was finishin up her ID's so once she submitted the red scout template i got workin <8)b_______)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Deep Collab W.I.P. (Ink, Flats, Complete)


Shoe © Deepfade
Fawsew © Stefani "Jak" M.

Flats W/BG
Shoe © Deepfade
Fawsew © Stefani "Jak" M.

Shoe © Deepfade
Fawsew © Stefani "Jak" M.

This has been a fun little experiment for me & Deep

this is just a little practice drawing for when we really get workin on hex13 tho this pic has nothing to do with hex XD just a practice drawing i think it turn'd out rather well since her sketch was so sloppy >u>

what were doing is were practicing the steps were gunna be taking she sketches i ink she BG colors & i cell shade the characters

PS. srry for the watermark dont want ppl to color this


Blaze © Merc

idk i wasnt in the mood to draw anything human so i drew anthro instead


also i was feeling lazy hence why no shading :B

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fluke 2

Fluke © Stefani "Jak" M.

:B cuz i can

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Fluke © Stefani "Jak" M.

Busts :U that is all

Fluke © Stefani "Jak" M.

i like how i did the under eye shiz & how pale he is for the color'd version but idk might mix & match but so far i like this color combo
hey looks pretty good for a dead guy

Fluke © Stefani "Jak" M.

yup.... a new comic char cuz Deep asked me to make him cuz she wanned to make another comic paring with me :P (shes makin Jinx im makin Fluke)
anyways with fluke he's a ghost char prob my 1st one.. >n> (yeah he is...)

but what i wanned to do with him was make him kinda similar & different to Jinx at the same time idk if you can tell the similarities but ehh... all i really did semi similar was the the hair (the same as Jinx yet different) & the sleeves of the shirt but not by much that you can tell

i wanna tell you just alittle about him... he keeps a pocket watch in his back right pocket (givin by his now dead wife btw) that can tell the exact time & date why i tell you that is cuz that watch is really special to him cuz on the day of his death the watch broke on the exact time & date he died & so he keeps it as a remembrance of his wife & that dreadful day

when he gets really depressed/extremely sadden'd he takes out the watch & tends to stare blankly into it in a deep trance just thinking of the day he died thinking what he did wrong (god this is sounding more like a cheesey character bio D'|)

anyways off the watch topic (cuz i ran out of things to say about it ) if he were to lift up the front left part of his cloak you would be able to see the entrance of whatever struck him in the heart & kill'd him (idk wheather to put acouple more stabs/slashes on his back or anything :/) basically whatever bruising/stabs he got in the last moments of life he keeps in death (idk what to make happen to him)

as for abilitys & shiz

he can overshadow ppl who are willing to be.. ppl who arent willing to be overshadow'd takes up more energy thus shorter time he can stay in that person

he can move objects or use them as a weapon but it depends on how heavy it is the heavy it is the more energy thats drain'd

he can show himself to other people to prove/scare ppl but he prefers not to cuz he thinks its a waste of energy (to scare ppl with anyways to prove he'll do it) also the same thing with being heard just prefers to not waste energy he only really likes to talk to jinx anyways (not a very social person)

he can phase through shiz no energy required

if very emotional (very sad/mad) he can drop the temperature in the room he's in

makes ppl feel like there being watch'd if there not use to him around

gives ppl goosebumps/hair stands on end

yeah know all the ghostly shiz